I recently published a demo Bazel workspace that shows off many of the rules and tools I use in the monorepo for this website. #hypstatic #bazel #github github.com/lopopolo/bazel_tools_demo
permalinkwith the lopopolo IAM user gone, the only ones left were the IAM users in the #artichoke and #hypstatic GitHub organizations used for terraform CI in the project-infrastructure repos. I used the new GitHub Actions OpenID Connect provider to wire up AWS identity federation following this guide – scalesec.com/blog/identity-federation-for-github-actions-on-aws #security #github #aws #win
permalinkI'm not sure how long ago this happened, but I got ownership of the @hyperbola handle on #github to match the npm namespace. Some js libs, old infrastructure for dynamic hyperbola, and #hypstatic live there now. I've added a 'project-infrastructure' repo like in Artichoke which does infra as code for the GitHub organization and #aws setup.
permalinkhyperbola is deployed to GitHub Pages now! Executed via DNS cutover with terraform. Now to destroy the old infrastructure in AWS. #github #hypstatic #aws #terraform #hypstatic
permalinkMigrated all #artichoke CI to GitHub Actions #github #win Jobs and workflows are so much easier to reason about. And it's free 💪
permalinkI added a feature to rust-bindgen to make a dependency optional to make the build lighter #github #patch github.com/rust-lang/rust-bindgen/pull/1615
permalinkReported a critical bug in rustfmt #fail #github #patch github.com/rust-lang/rustfmt/issues/3770
permalinkLed to reporting this #mruby bug: github.com/mruby/mruby/issues/4684 #github #fail although I was able to work around it #artichoke
permalinkI added a macro to oniguruma to enable it to build on clang for #wasm targets #patch #github #artichoke github.com/kkos/oniguruma/pull/150
permalinkReported a build issue on #mruby with gperf 3.1 #ci #build #patch #github #artichoke github.com/mruby/mruby/issues/4628
permalinkStep 2: transfer ownership of ferrocarril to artichoke organization #artichoke #github. Not much to do here, updated some links, fixed some branding, got CircleCI building again #artichoke
permalinkThis weekend I did the migration, which took place in multiple parts #artichoke #github
permalinkferrocarril is all grown up. I've moved development of my #ruby to a dedicated #GitHub organization. The project is called Artichoke github.com/artichoke/artichoke
permalinkI've proposed a couple of PRs to speed up UTF-8 String handling in mruby github.com/mruby/mruby/pull/4529 github.com/mruby/mruby/pull/4531 #patch #ruby #github
permalinkI just used #github to create a reproducer case for a panic in a #rust library #win github.com/lopopolo/rust-embed-panic github.com/pyros2097/rust-embed/issues/61 #patch