hyperbo.la :: lifestream

I've been toying with the idea of removing all pagination from #hypstatic


There is no more #webpack in #artichoke. All web properties have been migrated to esbuild, eta template engine, the Node fs API, and custom build scripts. This is simple, this is good. #hypstatic is next but there is a lot to unwind. #win


with the lopopolo IAM user gone, the only ones left were the IAM users in the #artichoke and #hypstatic GitHub organizations used for terraform CI in the project-infrastructure repos. I used the new GitHub Actions OpenID Connect provider to wire up AWS identity federation following this guide – https://scalesec.com/blog/identity-federation-for-github-actions-on-aws/ #security #github #aws #win


With AWS SSO in place, I started using aws-vault locally for #terraform and AWS CLI. I learned about this tool at work. No IAM access keys with inline IAM policies! SSO + assume role for administrator access! #security #win


In #aws things, I migrated both hyperbola and #artichoke infra to separate AWS organizations and set them up with AWS Control Tower's account vending machine. Audit logs! AWS Config! SCPs! AWS Cost and Usage Reports! AWS SSO! #win #security #cost


I'm not sure how long ago this happened, but I got ownership of the @hyperbola handle on #github to match the npm namespace. Some js libs, old infrastructure for dynamic hyperbola, and #hypstatic live there now. I've added a 'project-infrastructure' repo like in Artichoke which does infra as code for the GitHub organization and #aws setup.


I took a hacksaw to my homebrew installation. I'm not sure how this happened but the brewfile I've been carrying around at one point had the entire dependency graph in it rather than the explicitly installed deps ... which made everything on my new Mac an explicitly installed dep. I had hundreds of libs installed for no reason. Burned everything down and started from scratch. #fail #win https://github.com/lopopolo/dotfiles/blob/fb9af6bd19df2149dba5a63a8db161702bcbe5db/homebrew-packages/Brewfile.rooster


macOS things – I tried out alacritty and tmux again but didn't switch away from iTerm2. I tried a bunch of fancy neovim LSP, floating pane, and lua config and then stripped all IDE bits out of vimrc to keep it just an editor. Finally enabled dark mode on my Mac (synced with the sunrise and sunset), switched to dark terminal and neovim color schemes. #win #vim


Another fun #rust update: `intaglio`, my string interning crate, recently got support for C strings (not yet released).


It's been a while since I've posted about #artichoke, but I recently landed a #rust implementation of #ruby's `String` class. #win https://github.com/artichoke/artichoke/pull/1222


yikes and pagintated navigation for archive pages had month and year mixed up in the link. #hypstatic #fail


ooof. While hacking on the lifestream part of the static site generator, uncovered that previous and next buttons for traversing lifestream permalinks had their polarity swapped. That bug has been there for over a year. #hypstatic #fail