Welcome to hyperbola, the online portfolio and web presence of Ryan Lopopolo. This is mostly a microblog and contact page. For projects, see my GitHub.
Hi. I'm a software engineer working remote in Seattle. I am a generalist with experience building APIs, mobile SDKs, backend services, ETLs, infrastructure automation, and other prod-infra shaped systems.
My favorite programming languages are Ruby and Rust, but I love to write glue code and scripts in Python. Terraform and AWS are lots of fun, but it is better to not maintain infrastructure if I don't have to.
I love sneakers, going on short hikes with my wife, and discovering new music.
Here are some of my favorite writing and speaking engagements, both here and elsewhere on the web.
Building Artichoke Ruby, a Ruby made with Rust. Tweeting about progress at @artichokeruby.