hyperbo.la :: lifestream

whoa throwback `chattr +i` to prevent puppet from overwriting files on a prod box that you were manually changing #devops

Photo for post 668.

Deck making for an internal tech talk called "How to Implement the Chromecast Protocol in Rust When You Don't Know Rust" #rust futures and impl trait 😭 #fail


When asking someone to do something via email, the fact that they’ve even opened it is a big hurdle. Make their life easy: in-line as much as you can, minimize clicks, make links easy to scan, be direct, have a tl;dr #communication #email


I'm speaking at Monitorama on June 4-6. My talk is titled The AWS Billing Machine and Optimizing Cloud Costs. #conference #aws #cost


I'm speaking at DevOpsDays Seattle on April 23. My talk is titled The AWS Billing Machine and Optimizing Cloud Costs. #conference #aws #cost