#django feature request and #patch accepted code.djangoproject.com/ticket/27541
permalinkbastion is now in an ASG with an automatically bound (with user data) elastic IP. Yay fault-tolerant infra! #win #aws #terraform
permalinkmucking around in settings.py I ended up doing a top-level import from debug_toolbar. Yay for staging. #fail github.com/hyperbola/hyperbola/commit/26c4e1d
permalinkdiff of yesterday's backups and current backup confirm all that has been altered are filenames
permalinkFixing this required parsing a db dump (django fixtures much easier to read than mysqldump output) and manually running UPDATE queries in MySQL
permalinkjust automated a spreadsheet (concatenating several columns) with filter #win filter(L6:L, L6:L<>"") vs manually updating ranges #automation
permalinkEnabled cloudflare cdn on hyperbolacdn.com today. Took 4 clicks. #win
permalinkSome changes since moving to the new host: assets and user uploads served off of hyperbolacdn.com; TLS; frontend deps managed with bower
permalinkhyperbo.la staging and production are TLS enabled. Still have to turn on HSTS. #win #letsencrypt
permalink❤️ Emoji: 🔥🔥🔥
permalinkSuccessfully migrated hyperbo.la and staging.hyperbo.la to a new host, hyperbola3. Ubuntu 16.04 and 8GB of RAM. Just shut down hyperbola1. #win