all your heapspace are belong to me! #java #outofmemory #fail
permalinkThe number of posts on #hackernews about people reinventing/whining about #git never ceases to amaze me #fanboy… All of my problems with this script had to do with adding passphrases to my #ssh keys #fail
permalinkjust discovered that once you're in cmd+TAB mode on OS X, cmd+` cycles backward. So much easier than cmd+shift+TAB #learnability? #fail #win
permalink#ssh public key auth setup on hyperbola #womp #programmerresolutions
permalinkI just saw a commercial for #IE9 with a dubstep music track. Um ... #browserwars?
permalinkCute ad on stackoverflow. It reads "
Today I learned that #vim and #emacs treat newlines as line terminators. This means files written by them always end in a newline. #learnsomethingnew