hyperbo.la :: lifestream

There have been over 600 PRs in the last year of Artichoke. https://hyperbo.la/lifestream/737/ https://github.com/artichoke/artichoke/pull/847 #artichoke #git

Photo for post 740.

The converters are central to #artichoke. Changing this core abstraction was painful: 84 files changed, 2000 lines added, 2800 lines removed. #fail #git


Extracting cactusref required completely rewriting #git history, updating docs, adding a build, adding benches, importing my blog post, updating links in the blog post #artichoke

Photo for post 705.

#git bisect is why it's important that your repo be buildable at every commit. Currently fixing a massive memory leak in ferrocarril #fail


It has been a really productive weekend. Merged 23 #github PRs for ferrocarril #win #rust #git https://github.com/artichoke/ferrocarril/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr+created%3A2019-05-24..2019-05-27+is%3Aclosed+


Adding #ci to a project is encouraging such better code hygiene. Because I want to make sure the build stays green, I actually make PRs even if it is only me approving them. Seeing the code in the browser makes it easier to review than #git diff #win


this is just one example of the times #git has saved my life #win


OMG just rewrote my #git PS1 which runs as part of my PROMPT_COMMAND. Now 20% faster both inside and outside a repo. terminal feels so much faster now #win #performance https://github.com/lopopolo/dotfiles/commit/2d5054c4ce


Today I learned about octopus merges #git https://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=139033182525831


Recently restructured my #dotfiles and added a Makefile so they don't live in $HOME (git clean terrifies me) #git


Woo! First 2 hyperbola releases with #git tags today #win. Also local development. dev + ops = #devops


Next #devops steps for hyperbola: Rebuild machine from scratch on 64-bit kernel; use #docker and dockerize all services: nginx, staging django, prod django, MySQL; real deploy step; #git tag releases


git commit -m 'removed 2 chainz' #git #win


I have no idea why, but since I've been working at #box, I don't #git pull. I always fetch and merge --ff-only or rebase. Only time I ever use pull is via pull --rebase if I get ff-rejected on push


Just forked, edited code, submitted a pull request, and got it merged all from the browser #win #git #github


I had a cronjob launching every minute that updated remotes on about 40 #git repos. I've apparently had ~50 git processes running all the time for about a year now. #fail

Photo for post 199.

#versioncontrol, or the lack thereof. This was my first major software project. I was a junior in high school. I was making a symbolic math thing. #fail or the reasons any CS class should teach #git


My wiki was spammed and turned into a link farm for discount pharmaceuticals. Good thing its backed by #git -- fixing it was trivial


The number of posts on #hackernews about people reinventing/whining about #git never ceases to amaze me #fanboy


Something something something #git ... something something something complete


I don't understand why people think they need build scripts for their dotfiles. #fail Just keep your $HOME in #git: git init && git remote add ...


history of version control. An entertaining read https://www.flourish.org/2011/12/astonishments-ten-in-the-history-of-version-control/ woo #git


https://johnkary.net/git-1-7-8-changes-for-the-everyday-developer/ #git grep is pretty cool, but I think i'll stick to #ack


sweet, there's been a patch since may, but no need to put out a bugfix release or anything https://github.com/github/gollum/issues/147 #fail #git

Photo for post 126.

Best commit message ever #git #win


why `svn status` prints nothing when you have a clean working directory is beyond me. #git ftw

Photo for post 43.

rebased some already pushed commits to clean up my history and forced the push. I feel so dirty. #git #fail