hyperbo.la :: lifestream

Woo! hyperbola no longer requires webpack to build. Hundreds of dependencies removed! The build uses eslint for bundling. #webpack #hypstatic


There is no more #webpack in #artichoke. All web properties have been migrated to esbuild, eta template engine, the Node fs API, and custom build scripts. This is simple, this is good. #hypstatic is next but there is a lot to unwind. #win


This PR also took the opportunity to hand-optimize and hand-make retina variants of all images in the blog and lifestream. This eliminated most of the large asset warnings from #webpack #performance #hypstatic


Sharding the #webpack build meant `webpack-dev-server` was not longer an acceptable choice for a dev server. Replaced this with a #bash script and `python3 -m http.server`


There's some recursion depth error that causes #webpack to abort when using ~1500 `html-webpack-plugin` plugins that I worked around by sharding the webpack build.


Just upgraded hyperbo.la's build pipeline to #webpack 5 #hypstatic


The static site with local #webpack development environment is already paying off! Google Lighthouse accessibility score for hyperbo.la is now 100 with increased text contrast. #a11y #lighthouse #hypstatic


The static site is based on webpack and webpack-html-plugin with a few preprocessor scripts that emit the templates #webpack #js


Making a mental note that I've decided to go static with hyperbola. Not sure when this project will get done, but here's to 2019. I have dreams of a custom #webpack and #markdown generator, S3 and CloudFront for distribution.


Optimizing #react bundle ... cut bundle size by 72KB. Biggest wins are turning an image into CSS + an emoji, removing unused deps, enabling mini-css-extract-plugin in release builds #win #webpack index.html is 333 KB


41-commit weekend 🤩Feel much better about my #webpack , #ansible, and #packer code #win


I completed removing build artifacts from source control. Static assets dist and document-root dirs: replaced with running #webpack on host. Third-party #ansible roles: installed from galaxy via #packer and #vagrant at provision time. #win


Significantly refactored my #webpack static asset pipeline today. No longer build assets locally and check them in. Build happens as part of #ansible provisioning. #win https://github.com/hyperbola/hyperbola/commit/eaf5b3197


The #webpack configuration, on the other hand, was not fun to get set up. I particularly struggled fighting with the gulp plugin, which pins webpack 1.x


#webpack is amazing. I added the time-elements web components to the lifestream and contact pages. Only took an hour. Before this would have been next to impossible. #frontend #win