Removed some "bespokeness" from hyperbola: migrated from a shell script that exported env vars and exec'd to dotenv. Same concept, but now a standard mechanism #win
Put some investment into my #vagrant setup. MySQL running in a separate VM with automatically provisioned fixtures means I can go from zero to full replica of prod in 10 minutes. No more dep on laptop MySQL. #win
New in v0.122.0: python packaging actually works now. No .pth symlinks. No PYTHONPATH. and pbr install hyperbola directly into the venv. Finally. #win
hyperbola is now running #django 2.0. Added automigrate to hyperbola-app systemd unit, eliminating one of the last things I ever needed a bastion host for #win
Found a lifestream bug during my Django 2.0 upgrade that was never exercised on the live site because I've never had more than 40 posts in a month #fail