A productive day: made my PS1 better and fixed a bug in the hashtag regex on hyperbola (again)
permalinkok so setting up 4 VMs all at once was a pain in the ass sr-master.xvm.mit.edu sr-worker-1.xvm.mit.edu sr-worker-2.xvm.mit.edu sr-worker-3.xvm.mit.edu #thesis2012
permalinkThank goodness xml compresses so well
permalinkThis is the longest-lived and most consistently updated #blog I've ever had. Averaged a post every 2.5 days. I still post to #twitter more often. #socialmedia
permalinklearn sometihng new about #ruby everyday patshaughnessy.net/2012/1/4/never-create-ruby-strings-longer-… #interpreter
permalinkJust exported 1GB of article dumps from #wikipedia #thesis2012 is on