I run an outdated version of Django. #django #fail #hypstatic
permalinkhyperbola is ready for #django 2.1. github.com/hyperbola/hyperbola/commit/d92a79f. That was easy #win
permalink#django feature request and #patch accepted code.djangoproject.com/ticket/27541
permalink#bug fixed github.com/hyperbola/hyperbola/commit/01b34d with minor staging break caused by django-pipeline renaming their templatetags #django
permalinknext project: convert #hyperbola to UTC, server, #django, and #mysql
permalinkWoo! my #django #patch got accepted. code.djangoproject.com/changeset/16609
permalinkGot a #django bug accepted: code.djangoproject.com/ticket/16573
permalinkI avoid adding punctuation after my #hashtags because there's a #bug in my regex that parses them. #thingsishouldfix #django
permalinkThinking about migrating this site to EC2. Probably gonna stick with #django. dev.hyperbo.la will probably die; github does it way better. Moving all media assets to s3: maybe. ssl: probably not
permalinkThis is why I like django's pluggable apps. I can get distracted and not finish a project, but the site still works. #django #distractions