hyperbo.la :: lifestream

Sharding the #webpack build meant `webpack-dev-server` was not longer an acceptable choice for a dev server. Replaced this with a #bash script and `python3 -m http.server`


Being forced to set up the repository infra from scratch in cactusref was a good way to fix everything I disliked about my dev environment. CircleCI build and scripts/lint.sh got overhauled #win #artichoke #shell #bash #node #lint


Upcoming Xen vuln was the forcing function to get my gunicorn upstart scripts able to work after a reboot. There is some nasty in them https://github.com/hyperbola/hyperbola-tools/commit/8e5c4 #bash


The bare minimum I need on a server to feel comfortable is `set -o vi` #vim #bash


#vim modelines are the best. Just added filetype modelines to all of my wonkily named #bash config files. Syntax highlighting rules


What a busy friday. Switched to iTerm. 256 colors is nice. Set up a git repo with all my dotfiles. Got real #serious with my #bash config.