hyperbo.la :: lifestream

41-commit weekend 🤩Feel much better about my #webpack , #ansible, and #packer code #win


The cleanup script didn't error because my set flags were in the shebang but #packer was invoking the script via bash instead of directly #fail So many yaks.


Removing just the dev package with #ansible #provisioning had no effect in local env, but combined with the apt purge in the #packer script, uninstalled mysqlclient


I recently started cleaning up after myself during #provisioning. There are two steps to this: #ansible uninstalls build deps and #packer executes a cleanup script that does an apt purge and autoremove


I completed removing build artifacts from source control. Static assets dist and document-root dirs: replaced with running #webpack on host. Third-party #ansible roles: installed from galaxy via #packer and #vagrant at provision time. #win


Semantic versioning is a lie (looking at you #packer). My config stopped working because a key was deprecated between 1.1.x and 1.2.x. Somehow this prevented the config from validating. #fail


3. problem: manual, bespoke server configuration. solution: #ansible, #vagrant, #packer, prebaked AMIs. immutable infrastructure