hyperbo.la :: lifestream

I just removed all pagination from the #hypstatic lifestream section #win this design choice dates all the way back to the first implementation of lifestream in 2010 #history

Photo for post 574.

Baby's first hadoop. Taken from long forgotten code written in 2005 #history


#history throwback to the time that my wiki was spammed by a bot that turned all the pages into link spam for discount pharmaceuticals https://github.com/hyperbola/hyperbola/commit/1a3725b84bf82982945f68d14ff09ae7aa00d0ba #fail


I was first introduced to closures in summer '08 via #ruby blocks. This was probably the most magical moment I've ever experienced programming. That code was just another object you could pass around was amazing. Lisp would've been mind blowing. #history


I found a page in my wiki called hyperbola suckage 2015. This was a forward-looking list of gripes to fix as I moved from hyperbola1 to a new host #history


unexpectedly memory: I had to spoof my mac address to that of my xbox 360 so that I could register it on MIT's network #history