hyperbo.la :: lifestream

Recently I've been on the "I should write a blog post" to "spend 2 hours updating dependencies across 4 language ecosystems in my blog's Bazel monorepo" pipeline. I should still write that blog post though #hypstatic #bazel


And proof that this setup is both good and bad – CI failed because I forgot to set the publish timestamp in the post YAML on the previous post. But CI ALSO failed because I forgot to run gazelle. #win #fail #bazel #hypstatic

Photo for post 827.

My artisanally hand-crafted blog generator is an unholy mix of JavaScript, YAML, Markdown, assets distributed by npm package, Golang, Rust, and Python these days, glued together with Starlark in Bazel (deployed to GH Pages) #hypstatic #bazel


I recently published a demo Bazel workspace that shows off many of the rules and tools I use in the monorepo for this website. #hypstatic #bazel #github https://github.com/lopopolo/bazel_tools_demo


hyperbola/logo repository was merged into the hyperbola-static monorepo! There is only one repo used to build this site now! #hypstatic #bazel #monorepo